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 CHMD 1105 Introduction to Research (1/2024)
Wiriya MahikulAssoc. Prof. Dr. Kanchana Ngaosuwan, M.D., PhDAssoc.Prof. Dr. Kanchana Ngaosuwan, MD, PhDDr.Jiraphan PremsuriyaThammarak SangsuriyothaiJuthaporn SangwallekJuthaporn Sangwallek, Ph.DKamonwan Soonklang, Ph.DOrawan SuppramoteOrawan Suppramote, Pharm.DOrnpreya Suptawiwat, Ph.D.Rujapak SutiwisesakAsst. Prof. Teerapat UngtrakulTeerapat Ungtrakul

CHMD 1105 Introduction to Research (1/2024)

By the end of the course, students will be able to 

- design appropriate research questions 

- chose an appropriate methodology to answer research questions 

- collect, analyze and conclude data for answering research questions 

- understand research ethics, GCP, GLP, biological laboratory safety and innovative and intellectual properties

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